N1000A, 86100D, N109x-series Compared

Quick Comparison of Sampling Oscilloscopes

This topic provides a quick comparison of the differences between the new N1000A, 86100D, and N109x DCA-M sampling oscilloscopes. As all of these instruments are controlled by FlexDCA and are documented in this help system, it is helpful to have a general idea of the differences listed in this table. This table does not list product specifications. For the actual product specifications, refer to the FlexDCA Specifications Help.

Sampling Oscilloscopes Compared
Feature N1000A
86100D (discontinued)
Graphical User Interface1 FlexDCA FlexDCA
Legacy UI2
Sampling Rate ≤250 kHz ≤40 kHz 100 kHz (standard)
250 kHz (option FS1)
60 kHz (N1090A only)
Minimum Timebase Position (Sample Position)3 10 ns 24 ns
40.1 ns default, 24 ns minimum (with Pattern Lock)
< 10 ns
Intrisic Jitter4RMS 400 fs (standard)
200 fs (option LOJ)
<80 fs (option PTB)
<40 fs (with 86108B)
750 fs (options STR)
750 fs (options ETR)
<80 fs (option PTB)
<40 fs (with 86108B)
400 fs (option STB)
135 fs (N1094x-LOJ)
160 fs (N1092x-LOJ)
Maximum Trigger BW 32 GHz
(all configurations)
3.2 GHz (option STR)
13 GHz (option ETR)
32 GHz (option STR)
32 GHz
12 GHz (N1090A)
Options (partial list):
LOJ (Low-Jitter Timebase) ♦ (N1092/4x)
STB (Standard Timebase)
PLK (Pattern Lock Trigger)
PTB (Internal Precision Timebase)
STR (Standard Trigger)
ETR (Enhanced Trigger)
GPI (GPIB Port) standard not applicable
090 (Removable Hard Drive) standard not applicable
1. For a given release version, FlexDCA may look slightly different between the N1000A and 86100D or N1090x-series. However, FlexDCA is the identical software running both.
2. Supports some older modules listed here.
3. Time offset relative to the front-panel trigger input (N1000A/86100D) or clock input (N109x-series).
4. Typical result for >10 GHz sine wave.